Monday, February 18, 2008

Like a Relationship on Speed

They call us the "un" generation. We are uninterested, unconcerned, uncaring, unmoved, unresponsive, untouched and unimpressionable . We are apathetic. We are noncommittal. We are selfish and self-indulgent. We got our values all wrong. We know very little.

I see where this criticism comes from and I try my best to hold on to any evidence to the contrary. Sometimes though, you just can't avoid the truth when it's banging on your door.

The other day I was coming home from job-hunting, sitting on the bus, reading a book, when this guy comes in. He was probably on his mid to late 20s. He starts talking to people around me, asking them whether they were registered to vote, telling them about environmental issues. I take a look at him, he has a calculus book: inside a few petitions lay. "There!" I think. Here is someone from our generation, ready and willing, going to college, probably working and still making time to be socially active! Take that!"

After he collects a few signatures, I ask him, "Why are you doing this?"
(I should have stayed with my fantasy)
"They pay me a buck a signature", he says.
" I see" I say, and think, "well, a guy must pay his way through college. This is a flexible enough job that he can do it in between classes."
"So where do you go to college?" I ask.
"College? I don't think so. I am never going back to school"
"Oh.. I just saw the Calc book and I thought...."
"Oh this? Oh no. I actually just needed a clipboard and I happened to find this book on a bench..."

Eu sei que as aparencias enganam... mas po!