Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oh!! And before I forget...

Best birthday comment goes to Brent.

"well i figured i would wait until it was th 18th for the both of us.
so happy birthday

did you know that tomorrow chipmunks come out of hibernation? bet you did not know you shared anything in common with chipmunks."



Brent said...

chipmunks are really fascinating. They hibernate in a very "soft" sense of the term, they actually just hoard their food and wait out the winter by sleeping throughout the weeks and waking very minimally to eat and excrete.

What is fascinating with chipmunks though is that they keep very deep tunnels for living spaces, sometimes working on the same tunnel all of their life.

They have separate rooms in their living space, one for sleeping that they keep immaculately clean, another for food storage and yet another for waste and food refuse.

Come spring time (right around your Bday) they actually partake in spring cleaning. Taking all of their waste out of the "bathroom tunnels" and carrying it far, far away and burying it so that predators cannot track them.

Usually squirrels only live a few years but in captivity they have lived close to twenty years.

p.s. Fuck Earth Hour

Julia said...

you always make me smile.