Monday, April 27, 2009


In life, wins who panics the least.


Conor said...

The curious diction aside, it's certainly reasonable to believe that staying cool will lead to success. Don't let the pressure get to you, and you'll fare alright.

At the same time, I'm rather leery of aphorisms that teach endurance over change. Salvationist philosophies assume the misery of the world and promise change for those who submit to it.

Perhaps I sound jaded.

Julia said...

"Maintaining your cool" sounds so artificial... it reminds me of Westside Story, when they try to maintain their cool, after murdering a guy. That is not what I mean at all.
I absolutely also dont mean avoiding change. On the contrary! If I had to rate "change", I'd rate it as "good", and more often than not it is unavoidable...
And I wasn't talking about pressure either. I was in fact talking about confusion. Confusion brought on by change.
To summarize then, I was suggesting we shouldn't panic, while we embrace the confusion caused by change.